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Wellness Imposter Syndrome

Jul 24

2 min read




Wellness Careers and Imposter Syndrome: Are We Living What We Preach?

So many of us in the wellness space preach a balanced lifestyle, but are we actually living one?

I had to ask myself this question recently as I encouraged friends to take breaks and add balance to their busy schedules. While the wellness space covers many territories, it can be overwhelming to try and do everything we think we need to achieve wellness.

In a field with so many different paths to wellness, we often try to support as many of our peers and friends with their new wellness journeys while practicing our own. This is where imposter syndrome can creep in. As high-achieving individuals, we strive to do it all, and often the first things that slip are our own wellness routines.

The first thing to drop for me is my sleep. I won't go to bed if I still have work to do, or if I know I am attending an event in the afternoon, I will get up extra early to fit in my workout and finish all my work so that I can attend the event. Once I start getting less sleep, my eating habits fall off track. I forget to grocery shop and rely on smoothies or caffeine to get me through the day.

However, don’t feel like an imposter if your career is preaching wellness and balance and you don’t currently have that. The first step to achieving balance is recognizing that you don't have it.

To find balance, we don't need to scroll through Instagram pages filled with endless wellness products, routines, and habits. Instead, turn inward. Put down your phone, set a sleep schedule, and look at your calendar. Think of your non-negotiables—the things you need to do for yourself to perform at your highest potential and contribute to the wellness space in a more meaningful and genuine way. For me, my non-negotiables are 8 hours of sleep, whole foods, and outside activity.

Once you identify your non-negotiables, take note of them. Whenever you begin to feel unbalanced, revisit them and ask yourself, "Am I doing these things?" If not, find time and prioritize yourself.

Remember, balance is not about perfection. It's about consistently returning to what keeps you grounded and well. Embrace the journey, be kind to yourself, and know that even those who preach wellness are always learning and evolving.

Jul 24

2 min read





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